Package com.raynigon.unit.api.core.units.general

package com.raynigon.unit.api.core.units.general
  • Class
    AbstractUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    The class represents units founded on the seven SI base units for seven base quantities assumed to be mutually independent.
    Utility class for number comparison and equality
    AlternateUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    AnnotatedUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    This class represents an annotated unit.
    BaseUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    This class represents the building blocks on top of which all others physical units are created.
    ComparableUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    Unit specialized for the Java SE platform.
    IUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    ProductUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    This class represents units formed by the product of rational powers of existing physical units.
    ScaledUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    TransformedUnit<Q extends javax.measure.Quantity<Q>>
    This class represents the units derived from other units using converters.
    This class represents a dimension of a unit of measurement.